Coelbo Pressure On Demand
The pump can be started in two different ways: Flow demand on the installation causes a pressure fall or when the flow sensor is activated by circulation of fluid.
This system does not need the traditional accumulator tank and if the flow is constant, the pressure will keep constant, if there is a flow variation the pressure will change accordingly to the flow curve of the pump.
Products: Controlpump Controlmatic Compact Optimatic Optiplus Digimatic Digiplus Onematic Onematic easy
The pump starts when the flow demand on the installation causes a pressure fall, and the pump stops when it reaches the pre-established maximum value of pressure.
This system needs an air storage tank and the provided pressure is not constant, but it changes between pre-established values.
Products: Multimatic Onematic Onematic easy Switchmatic Switchmatic 2T Switchmatic 2 T-Kit